Context : French National Metallic Silhouette Circuit 2016-2017 (+/- 23 matches/year to shoot in France)

Matches Dates : May 6-7,  2017

Registration : before May 2, 2017

Location : France, Rethel (08), see the map


Categories :  SB only (Handguns and Rifles)

Warning : include the 2 new IMSSU Rifle categories (metallic sight, IMSSU 2017 Rules)


Conditions :

Entry fees : EUR 10 /match  –  Handgun Aggregate : EUR 35  –  Rifle Aggregate : EUR 16

BBQ :  EUR 16 /day, on reservation

Contact, invitation, reservation :   sebastien.landouzy at wanadoo dot fr

Official match announcement here (pdf, FR) :  2017SanglierPrintemps

French National Metallic Silhouette Circuit 2016-2017 Rules here (pdf, FR) :  2016-17 FR CN Rules

Remarks :  French MS National Circuit purpose is to select the 5 best shooters for the French National Selection

Some matches can be OPEN but NOT the final result (French National Selection) !!

For Non-French shooters, these matches are only to see as a good training